

The HatMaker's Suitcase is a landing place for inspiration, functionality and progress.

Our Story

Our journey in launching The HatMaker’s Suitcase began as we became more active  in our communities.  The refining moments of volunteering, teaching, lobbying, parenting, and serving taught us that, throughout our lives, we will wear many hats.  We realized we will brush shoulders, and work along side many others who will be purposefully working towards enriching lives.  We will gain skills, experience and understanding and become the makers of our hats.  The suitcase became essential in storing our most deliberate actions, thoughts and concepts.  The HatMaker’s Suitcase became a landing place for inspiration and a life packed with purpose.

Our Mission

Our content is created with purposeful living in mind. The goal is to help you alleviate noise and enjoy the present. Our content is informed by developmental science, family science and our personal experiences. We write about topics that are most important to you and your family. At times, we talk parenting, family culture, systems to keep you balanced , and ways to help your family progress. In our content, we provide you with new insights then provide suggestions on how to implement these ideas in your life.  We are excited to offer new concepts, projects, and content that can help you live a life packed with purpose

The Team

Kenzi, is a creative soul, problem solver by day, epic bedtime story teller by night.  Don’t miss her MOM tested life hacks, family fun, and pull it all together strategies.
Ty B. Aller
Ty, the science guy, has studied parenting and worked with families for over five years. Using his expertise and experience, he helps parents identify their strengths and learn new ways to live a life packed with purpose.