Date Night.  Does it happen at your house?

Recently, things got a little Funky.  We were operating in survival mode, stuff was getting done, people were getting places, but date night…..crickets.  The excuses were readily available, but what really happened was we stop making date night a priority. We simply said we can hold off on that until we are done with (whatever current project has our attention).  Then longer than we care to admit passed, and we realized:

We need date night back!

For one, because connecting with your spouse is important for the long game.  As the years pass you want to continue your friendship, and support for each other.  Secondly, the little ones you have in tow, will benefit from seeing you invest time and effort into your relationship with your spouse.  It will create more family unity, and offer a healthy relationship model for your children.

Finally, if none of the above reasons appeal, go for reason #3.  Sometimes, you just need to have a little more fun and enjoyment in your life.  Life can get stressful, date nights are a great way to relax, recharge and set a new tone.

Along with a few other changes we challenged ourselves to get date night back into our routine.  We missed it, we missed us.  As we searched for a way to lose the funk we had gotten ourselves into we happened upon something new and fun and wanted to share.

The Date Box Swap

A Date Box Swap is where you paired up with another person, you each prepare a date and send it via mail to your partner. This one was organized by Kailei from TwoBestFriendsinLove, and it turned out to be just what we needed.  It was a lot of fun getting to know a little about Kailel and her husband and planning a fun date for them.  Then, things got even better as a surprise date arrived at my house for my husband and I to enjoy.

Our Date Box, contained an in home date with the Escape the Room game, it is meant to be played in groups so we are actually going to use it for my upcoming birthday.  We are way excited about this, because we love games, and may or may not be slightly competitive.  To top it off, she sent a skillet to make skillet cookies which are too DIE for.  Seriously, the best ever.

If you are curious as to what I sent her you can read about it in her post here.  Overall, this was a great experience and it was really helpful to have a new view on something to do to make dating a priority

So, Let’s hear it how do you make sure date night happens?