
Hello!  We are excited to have you join us at The HatMaker’s Suitcase, a landing place for inspiration, functionality, and progress.  If this is your first time visiting, go ahead and jump into one of our latest articles on parenting or family culture.  We hope that you find something you’ll enjoy and will continue with us on the journey.

  • Mindfulness and Mom

Mindful Mom: 3 Steps to a mindful day 

Being a mom is a BIG job! The consistent requests of, “Mom! Can we go to the park?” “Mom, can you make me food?” “Mom, did you forget my lunch?”...

Parenting Strengths, the Four Domains of Success

A common recipe for success in raising a healthy child relies on four parenting strengths: warmth, responsiveness, encouragement, and teaching (Roggman et al., 2013)*. Parents that are able to focus on...

The Car Jar, Setting Money Goals with Kids

Teaching your children about money can be overwhelming and even a little daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.  Learning about money starts by having conversations about it, and practicing money...

Every parent has strengths, what are yours?

As a parent, you are constantly juggling your needs,the needs of your kids and your family. From not being able to spend enough time with your kids to not getting the...

The Giving Ball: A New Family Tradition (Game)

The Giving Ball game, is a crowd pleaser, light on instruction, but heavy on fun. It is perfect for the table centered Thanksgiving Holiday, and has become one of the most...